Wednesday, 1 August 2012

"This is the Business We've Chosen..."

That kinda rings true for me, moreso recently than when I've thought about it with regards to the whole writing gig. Thinking about things realistically for a moment, lets take a look at the current situation. BA in the bag, MA on the way, things educationally seem to be looking up in terms of the writing. How much screenwriting have I done since I submitted my final script in May last year?

Fuck all.

I can think of many, many excuses to explain this complete drop in my output, but the truth is I just haven't had any ideas worth putting onto the page. That and a general lack of interest in it that's lasted nearly a year. I guess my screenplay gland wanted the time off to recharge and not think about final draft for a while. I kinda miss it.

Novel writing (well, novella writing, as it has come to pass at this point) is an interesting distraction from the rigid structure that is the screenplay. It's refreshing to be able to use  over the top 'poncey' words and get away with it for a change. That and I don't have to count pages. Only words. I haven't decided which I detest more. September will tell in that regard.

Anyway, even though I digress somewhat with this whole 'non-screenplay' malarky, I still likes me my DVD reviews. Top 250, #3...

3. The Godfather, Part 2

So, how best to follow up such a film as the Godfather? The only way one can, with the sequel (one of the few times that statement is true - take note Hollywood)

Yeah, I've started adding pictures to these reviews. Go me.
 The early life of Vito Corleone, and the continuation of the story of Michael Corleone, as he continues to seize control of his inherited crime syndicate.

This film was one of my earliest experiences of dual plot strands. Obviously in all screenplays there is plot and subplot, but rarely does it occur that two main plots run concurrently, and even more rare that such a storytelling technique works to such great effect. Its the format I first tried (unsuccessfully) when I first dabbled in screenwriting all those moons ago back in Welwyn, so its a little meaningful. Only a little.

Anyway, I'm going to cut this one a wee bit short, because I often ramble about the same old shit. This film is awesome. I don't have much to say about something this good, and damn me I likes ripping into worse films. I know a few people that haven't seen any of the Godfather movies, and I often ask them why. Usually its either "I've not got round to it yet" (which with me and such films as Casino, Once Upon a Time in America and the 'Che' movies is a fair excuse), or "they're not my cup of tea". To be frank, anyone who has or has had a family of some description should sit themselves down and watch these films. The third one not so much, but the first and by god definitely the second. Don't ask me why, just sit down and watch.

There. Blog re-energised. Back to daily life. To Ikea!